Run your race upright!
Carlos and Amandria Preston have a big heart for the spiritual and physical fitness of children. It’s with that heart that they founded Soul Athletics; a recreational ministry for kids. Soul Athletics is laser-focused on the spiritual, mental and physical development of kids through the fun and challenge of athleticism.
The problem
In the world of extracurricular activities for kids, there is a clutter of look alike organizations. Soul Athletics didn’t have a succinct message or memorably distinguishable identity to clearly set them apart—dooming them to sure obscurity.

The thinking
Energetically introduce Soul Athletics to parents and school-age kids with a message that resonates and an identity centered around a symbol kids can own.

Several deep-dive sessions led us to defining Soul Athletics’ core purpose; To share the Gospel with kids within the context of athleticism. From that, we were able to set the brand’s personality, distinguishing characteristics and message.

We had a great time assembling a mood board that pointed to the energy and kinetic self-expression of kids. The board helped define ‘feel cues’ and guide the visual development of the brand identity. While collecting these images it was easy to feel the urge to get outside and play. We were on to something.

We wanted to create a symbol for the organization that was as meaningful as it was ownable for its tribe of brave believers. With Soul Athletics so keenly focused on the health of the soul, the heart became a fast favorite visual. Added to it are a bead of sweat and a sweat and sweatband to honor the organization’s pervasive theme of perseverance and endurance.

With each new kid that signs up or volunteer that shows up, Soul Athletics is an ever-expanding family. And in the world of athleticism, a family is called a team. It felt right, then, that the style in which the organization’s name is displayed be reminiscent of team monikers.

Locked together, the Soul Athletics brandmark is a badge for faith, fitness and really, really fun times. Its a youthfully energetic mark that’s simple enough for a kid to doodle within the margins of her notebook or stick to the inside of his locker. A mark kids can own.

We love it when every component of a brand identity has depth of meaning and that’s certainly the case with Soul Athletics. Each hue of the brand’s palette was chosen for its proximity to the organization’s purpose.

Type pairing for a brand identity is a fun process of finding the right balance between expression, legibility and practicality. We choose a few well-designed and easily accessible fonts from Google. Fonts the non-profit can be consistent with in print and on screen.

Rounding out the visual ingredients of the Soul Athletics brand identity are various iterations of three core patterns. These fun motifs can be used to express the brand on anything from a business card to gym wall padding.
The use
Putting the plan to use has been rewarding. Jamillah constantly surprises us with the depths of energy and faith she puts behind the brand we were honored to craft with her. Much was and will be accomplished thanks to her bravery.

The result
A mark that beats at the core of a high-energy, ownable brand identity reminding kids that it takes hard work to run with endurance the race before us. Carlos and Amandria have adopted the identity wholly and are putting it to fantastic use as they grow their organization.

The love

We were most impressed with the fact that he scheduled meetings with us step by step getting an in-depth analysis of exactly what our ministry was all about. We learned how to differentiate our brand from competitors and about the importance of clarifying our mission and vision.
The most important quality that we loved about Thinkory and Ralston was the genuine care for our ideas. Ralston listened very intently, taking notes and showing a deep belief for what we were doing. He even met with me at my job at times when it was difficult for me to find time to get away and discuss the project.
Needless to say we are very pleased with the outcome and our ministry is growing because of Thinkory’s contributions. I can honestly say that I could not ask for a better experience from the relationship developed with Ralston. I highly recommend him and Thinkory to anyone seeking to develop brand identification.
Carlos Preston
Co-Founder, Soul Athletics