7 Simple Tips to Build an Impact Brand Customers Love

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This is a summary of an article by Ralston on LinkedIn Pulse. Listen to the full article above or read it on LinkedIn.

You’ve just launched a social entrepreneurship startup to affect real change in the life of a rural artisan you’ve gotten to know—fantastic! Now how do you move customers to pick, prefer and love your products? Here are 7 simple tips:

1. Sell an amazing product.

Customers are yearning for something new and are drawn to unique offerings.

2. Know your purpose.

Confidence of purpose is magnetic!

3. Introduce your artisan partner.

Customers are moved by story and are more likely to buy from someone they feel like they know.

4. Tell your story, too.

This journey you’re on is a tale that will resonate with someone—a lot of someones.

5. Keep your promises.

Make sure you’re delivering on clear promises, building an impact brand people can trust.

6. Don’t just deliver, delight!

Delightful experiences build preference and inspire social sharing.

7. Make hope visible.

Draw customers to your social enterprise by sharing the plainly visible benefit of your business.

Ralston Vaz, Brand Strategy and Design

I’m Ralston, brand designer and co-founder of Thinkory—the Washinton, DC brand consultancy that works exclusively with social enterprises like yours. Let’s talk about working together to create a brand of impact that's easier to buy, easier to talk about and easier to scale.

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