3 Things to Consider When Redesigning Your Logo
Advice for Social Entrepreneurs Ready to ScaleWhen your social enterprise is in a growth stage, scaling a proven offering to better meet the demands of your ideal customers, you may find yourself needing to refine your brand identity. A do-it-yourself logo design, or inexpensively made graphic was once suitable for your venture when it was unproven. With more now at stake, it’s time for a redesign.
Here are 3 things to consider when redesigning your logo:
Differentiation is not an option.
At this point, your ability to differentiate yourself in a marketplace crowded with smart competitors is make or break. Be careful here as you take steps toward commissioning a logo designer. Effectively standing out in a way that’s meaningful and rewarding for those who discover you is about more than crafting a cooler or trendier logo than your current one. Partner with a professional brand designer who will ask several questions and leverage understanding to craft the right mark for your unique business.
It’s about more than the logo.
Redesigning the logo for your growing social enterprise is about perfecting brand identification. It’s about encouraging trust and human connection. It’s even about equipping tribal pride. And for your sales and marketing efforts, it’s about being seen, shortlisted, selected and shared.
You’re designing a statement.
Set your aim higher than producing a logo that’s on par with your nearest competitor. Potential customers of your social enterprise aren’t asking you about your competition—they’re asking you about you. Pique their interest and earn their trust. Again, partner with a professional impact brand designer to make a mark that makes a statement. One that resonates with your ideal customers and inspires them to bare and share your logo proudly.
Keep these considerations in mind as you redevelop your logo and brand identity. Design in a way that makes your company’s purpose, values and message visible and palpable. It’s what your growing impact business needs and what your ideal customers want.

I’m Ralston, brand designer and co-founder of Thinkory—the Washinton, DC brand consultancy that works exclusively with social enterprises like yours. Let’s talk about working together to create a brand of impact that's easier to buy, easier to talk about and easier to scale.
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